Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Halaka tabang!

Stevadore, Carman, and Alegro:

“What does Anghel na Walang Langit means?” the little prince asked. “Halaka tabang! Sosmariosep! Wala ka kasayud unsay pasabot ato”, the girl said. “Please explain it I can’t understand. I can only speak one language”, the little prince begs. “O.K. I’m sorry. It means you can’t understand what is Anghel na Walang Langit. I’m really sorry”, the girl said.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Halaka: SuperStar

Melvin Blue:

"i tried to vote vor SHAHD but the line was not working.ALHAMDOULILLAH onno wslit la akher halaka, ou inshalla hyee superstar
Posted by: ayman at January 31, 2006 05:57 PM"